VCV 1.0
~Regal~ VCV
2 Octave Range
7-mora recording style
Logical Range G#2~G4
Youthful male vocal
Solid tone
Versatile usage for smaller bank size
Multipitch/expression (E3 Core, D3, A3, D4 Dulce, C5 Falsetto, D#4 Passion, E3+D4 Fleur)
4 Octave Range
Mixed-mora recording style
Core + Soft + Energetic + Power
Logical Range G#1~G#6
English/Spanish supportive extras
Extra features such as end breaths/glottal stops/vocal fry, rolled R's, etc.
VC support
Youthful male vocal, pouty excitable timbre
Solid core with smooth transitions, soft and power expressions
Ability to fit a wide variety of songs, very receptive to tuning
Tri-pitch (D3, A3, C4)
Logical Range G2~A#4
- Recorded with 0.2.0 list
Pacific Coast U.S. Dialect
Slight Spanish accent to some phonemes
Voiced alvealor tap [dx]
5 breaths (exhales + inhales)
Youthful warm male vocal, a bit gritty-toned on some phonemes, timbre switches to be slightly more shouty on the C4 pitch
"Ladylike" by KIRA teaser
Demo of vocal range from lowest to highest
Notice: All banks listed here are those currently on display for public usage. Other banks may exist in private usage or may be outdated.